Aboriginal Paintings

Aboriginal is one of the oldest art forms in the world. Aboriginal Art is a contemporary Australian Art .It has survived for over thousands of years and continues to be one of the oldest art forms practiced today. It consists of symbols. These symbols were used as a means of communication; communication of their lives on earth, their rituals, food, customs. Thousands of years ago, Aboriginals would create their works using only the natural materials left around them, (such as bark, clay, logs, trees, burnt sticks, rocks, etc.... )Aborigines used dot painting as a way of telling a story and recording ritual practices, passing on the stories verbally as well as through music and art. They would use the pictures a guide (much like we use notecards for a speech) as they told the story.

Romero Britto works
Romero Britto works
Romero Britto works
Romero Britto works