

Drawing Class

Drawing Class - Beginners

Kids are ages 5 to 8 year old learn the artistic styles, drawing tools and special techniques as they develop their unique creations. Drawing provides a foundation for art. Observe and understand the objects you draw, with a focus on how to look at an object.

Drawing Class

Drawing Class - Intermediate

Kids are ages 9 to 16 year are welcome to learn and sharpen their drawing skills. All the techniques will be teached in this class. Students will better understand the fundamentals of drawing various objects in this class.

painting Class

Watercolor painting

Watercolor is a versatile and flexible medium that can yield a variety of results.This workshop is for beginner to intermediate artists. Participants will create a watercolor techniques chart then watercolor studies in animal and human anatomy as well as botanical studies.

painting Class

Acrylic painting

Learn acrylic paint characteristics and brush techniques and how to mix colors using principles of the color wheel and how to design your own composition.

painting Class

Oil painting

Once kids get mastered on watercolor & acrylic ,they will introduced into oil paintings .Learn how to mix oil using color theory principles,learn how to apply oilcolor to achieve values.

Drawing Class

Pastel Drawing

Kids learn the pastel styles, drawing tools and special techniques as they develop their unique creations.